Porsche 356

The Porsche 356 was in assembly from 1948-1965, the 356 is a affluence sports car. Porsche 356 was aboriginal produced by Porsche Holding, afterwards 1949 it was produced by Porsche GmbH. The Porsche 356 was Porsche’s aboriginal automobile. The Porsche 356 came in two configurations, 2 aperture auto or 2 aperture convertible, the car itself is a rear wheel, rear engine drive. 76,000 Porsche 356s were produced, today, beneath than bisected exist. This car is absolutely a archetypal and iconic car, if you wish a section of Porsche’s history, it will amount you $100,000+, depending on the year and action of the car.

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

Porsche 356

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